
Misie śpiewają :

“Here we go Looby Loo” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG0RuyK19f0

„The Elephant”          


Misie poznają słówka:

·          the slides, a money bar, a see- saw, a jungle gym, a merry- go – round, the swings, a tire swing, a sandbox, 

·         Perl, fish (różne kolory) , Shell, bucket, crab, planewrack, octopus, spade, boat, shipwreck ,shark, starfish.

·         Crab, palm, beach ball, boots, shellboat, umbrella,bucket, tree, rakes, goat, flower, snake, bear.

Misie rymuja :

“Look at me!

One, two, three.

I can count to three.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!”


Ponad to misie:

·         Słuchają bajki: “My first 1 2 3 Lift The Flap Book”.

Misie śpiewają :

“Mother Day’s Song”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A014gTIAeng

“House Song by Peter Weatherall”-   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUkTW0pBg2U


Misie poznają słówka:

·         Mother - mummy, father – daddy

·         Brother, sister, baby, parents, family, grandma, grandpa.

·         Barn, Castel, church, dog house, House, Igloo, Pyramid, Sky scraper ,tower


Misie rymują:

“This is my mummy, this is my daddy, this is my grandma And this is her dog. This is my brother , this is my sister this is my rabbit and this is my brother’s frog. I love my mummy,

I love my daddy, I love my grandpa, And I love my dog”.


Ponad to misie:

·         Czytają Bajkę: Bill Martin Eric Carle „Brown Bear what do you see?”.

·         Wykonują prace plastyczną “House”.


Misie śpiewają :

·         Old Mc Donald  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFX98pqzb3o

·         I went to visit a farm one day           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyCKx4jZNjQ


Misie poznają słówka:

·         Dog, horse, Sheep, cat, dog, horse, pig, cow, rooster, duck,

·         Eyes, ears, nose, fingers, arms, legs, knee, toes.

Misie przedstawiają teatrzyk: “Farmer Brown”

Farmer Brown has a farm. On the farm he has animals: sheep, horse, duck,


There is a lot of noise on the farm (quak, muuu, baa, neigh )

Good morning sheep, (the sheep say “baa, baa, baa”)

Good morning horse (the horse say “neigh ”),

Good morning duck, (the duck say “quack, quack, quack”)

Good morning cow. (the cow  say “muu,muu,muu”).

Teacher: “Look at a  puddle” and now the animals will jump to the


The children:

Come on sheep 1,2,3 jump!

Come on duck 1,2,3 jump!

Come on horse 1,2,3 jump!

Come on cow 1,2,3 jump!

Oh dear I’m dirty! The cow is dirty, the sheep is dirty, the duck is

dirty, the horse is dirty!

Oh no!  Farmer Brown please help me! The teacher has a water can (empty).

The teacher pretends to pour some water on each animal. Each animal has to

say “Thank you Farmer Brown I’m clean now”

Then children repeat “The cow is clean, the duck is clean, the horse is

clean, the sheep is clean”

Thank you farmer Brown!

3. Song  “Farmer Brown”.


Ponad to misie:

„These are my eyes, these are my toes, these are my Finders and this is my nose.

These are my kneese and this is my head and when I  sleep I am in bed  . My arms and legs are used to play a happy child a whole long day”

Misie śpiewają :

„Five little bunnies”               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pF7JpvUhcQ

“This is the way that bunny hops”     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb9tt7LiYrc


Misie poznają słówka:

·         Bunny, easter egg, basket, cake, hen, chick, duckling, lamb, catkin, spring, 

·         Happy, sad, angry, sleepy, cold, hot

·         Triangle, square, rectangle, circle

Misie słuchają bajek:

„Winnie the Pooh”- Pooh’s Leaf Pile

Ponad to misie:

·         Powtarzają nazwy kolorów: Blue, red, orange green, black, white

·         Uczą się rymowanki:

„I am Little Ball.

Yes, I’m very small

I bogunce up and down,

up and down.

I’m little ball

Yes, I’m very small

I bounce from side to side ,

 from side to side.”

Misie śpiewają :

”The toy Song”          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuUQ1DbDigc

“Skidamarink”            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug1pI-Ephns

“The wheels on the bus” 

Misie poznają słówka:

·         Cupid, heart, birds, Kiss,puppy, ring, flower, gift, chocolate, sweets, Teddy, ball, doll, train, car, blocks, car, boat, plane, kite, board game,

Misie słuchają bajek:

·         Spot’s favourite numbers, Eric Hill

·         „An amazing snowman” by Barbara Jean Hicks

Ponad to misie:

·         Mówią wierszyk:

“Wash your hands with soap, splash, splash, splash,

Cover your mouth when you cough, cough, cough,

Cover your nose when you sneeze, sneeze, sneeze,

Oh please, remember this!”

·         Poznaja zawód pilota i strażaka: Fireman, water, fire, window, ladder, smoke, helmet, fire hose, fire engine, axe, hydrant, pilot, tail, passanger, airplane, wing, light, airfield, control tower, runway, airplane.

·         Próbuje powiedzieć wierszyk z okazji Walentynek:

“Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you”

Misie śpiewają :

·         „I am a little snowman”.- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FczqntFwb6k

·        “Pengiun Song”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He5Xu11HBkM

Misie poznają słówka:

·         Snowflake, snow, icicles, snowball, snowmen, sledge,  ski, skate, mittens, cold, Grandparends, grandpa, grandma

·         Budujemy bałwanka za pomocą puzzli oraz poznajemy określanie wielkości kul: Big ball, small ball, middle ball

·         Powtórzenie części ciała podczas tworzenia bałwanka (głowa, nos, oczy, usta): carrot nose, coal eyes, mouth, head

Misie słuchają bajek:

·        „An amazing snowman” by Barbara Jean Hicks

·        Poznaja zawód strażaka: Fireman, water, fire, window, ladder, smoke, helmet, fire hose, fire engine, axe, hydrant

Ponad to misie:

Rymują: „Grandma’s glassess”

„Here are grandma’s glassess,

Here is grandma’s hat

This is the way she folds her hand

And lays them in her lap.

Here are grandpa’s glasses, here is grandpa’s hat

This is the way he folds her arms, just like that.”

Misie śpiewają :

„Walking In the jungle”, „Treat or trick”, „Incy Wincy spider”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoSq-yZcJ-4 „Walking In the jungle"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jxcWlq3CBg "Treat or trick"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBxeKG7_Hq4 " Incy Wincy spider"

Misie poznają słówka:

· Ghost, pumpkin, wich, monster, Cowboy, ballerina , pirate, Owl.

· Ubrania: Shoes, trousers, t-shirt, skirt, dress, socks, hat, tights, blouse

Misie rymują :

„One banana, two banana Three banana, four…

Five banana, six banana seven any more”

Ponadto misie:

· poznają:”Cheeckey;s jungle gym”

“Stand up , Hug, Wave, sleep.”
Turn around, Say hello!

Clap your hands Make a circle

Blow a kiss, Sit down 

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